Some of the smartest alternative movie posters use semiotics to imply the storyline or plot twist.
The design below for 'reservoir dogs' is very smart as it uses the fact that the main characters are named mr brown, mr orange, mr pink and so on... The poster depicts these men as crayons which are falling in a domino effect. This subtly implies that one by one they will die in the film.
These minimalistic designs for the back to the future trilogy explain in what time each movie is set in a simple diagram. They are very smart, but too simple to make someone want to watch the film again, which is the purpose of a movie poster.
The poster design below is for the Tomb Raider game and uses negative space to incorporate one of the key iconic weapon/tools used by the main character. The design uses roughly 3 colours plus stock. The silhouette style has a lot of impact but can often make the design look too 2 dimensional. In this case the design looks like a silhouette puppet show with multiple paper layers.
The design below incorporates the same style and the popular Olly Moss style with a cutout of the main character with more silhouettes inside.
The design below interested me as it is very relevant to my own movie which is almost completely focussed on guns and weapons.